Monthly Archives: May 2020
- May 27, 2020
So, you're ready to take the next step and purchase an engagement ring. Congratulations! For an engaged couple, buying an engagement ring and wedding band is an exciting time, one that should be cherished, not stressed over. With education, research, and help from the diamond experts at Agape Diamonds, you'll be able to find the perfect diamond engagement ring in no time. Whether you're planning to incorporate the element of surprise or shop with your fiancé, here's the ultimate guide to finding your dream ring.
- May 19, 2020
Spring is in the air—and so is engagement season!
Whether you're ready to pop the question now or you're waiting for the right moment and just want to be ready, we've got you covered with a list of some of the most popular engagement rings trending right now.
We fully understand that engagement ring trends come and go—but diamonds are forever. If you're afraid of going with a popular engagement ring choice because it might not be popular in five or ten years, don't worry; nothing says "forever" like the time and thought that goes into picking the perfect engagement ring trends.
There are so many styles to choose from, but here are some of our absolute favorites!
- May 16, 2020
We see diamonds everywhere—in jewelry, such as in diamond engagement rings, and in bracelets that sparkle. While the traditional diamond and gold ring has maintained popularity in the United States for a long time, diamond uses are evolving. We even see them in blades and drill bits that are made to break down other materials. But what exactly are diamonds? Where do they come from, and what other uses do they have?
- May 12, 2020
All diamonds are precious, which is why so many people in the United States choose a diamond engagement ring when they pop the question. If you're thinking about buying an engagement ring or any jewelry with these gemstones, you might not have considered where your diamonds come from or how exactly they were made. Doing a little research into this might surprisingly give you peace of mind and inform your decision. There are two types of diamonds:
- May 05, 2020
When choosing an engagement ring or a diamond piece of jewelry for someone special, we do it with love in our hearts. That same love should be shared and expressed in the story of the diamond we choose. But do you know the true story and the true cost involved in mining diamonds? The human and environmental impact along the supply chain of diamond mining is massive but shockingly few know about the full extent. First off, how are diamonds mined?